国际交流 -> 中-美 经济关系对话
中国经济50人论坛与美国战略复兴学会:中-美 经济关系对话
时间:2020-12-15    阅读:45947次   

China Economists 50 Forum/中国经济50人论坛

Strategic Renaissance 21/美国战略复兴学会


China - U.S. Dialogue on Economic Relations

- 经济关系对话


December 152020/ 1215日,2020



6:30am Texas, 7:30am Washington, 8:30pm Beijing

6:30am 德州, 7:30am 华盛顿, 8:30pm 北京



Opening Remarks by moderators/会议主持人开场白:  (4-6minutes/4-6分钟)


Mr. FAN Gang and Mr.Phil Midland/ 樊纲先生 菲尔-米德兰先生



Presentations/发言: (8-10 minutes each/每次发言8-10分钟)


Admiral Bob INMAN: Anticipated structure of U.S. - China economic relationship;



Mr. Gary COHN: Discussion regarding the U.S. election and anticipated structure of new administration;

加里·科恩 先生:关于美国大选和新政府预期结构的讨论。


Mr. CAI Fang/蔡昉先生: China’s economic development and 14th 5-Y Plan/中国的经济发展和第145年计划


Mr. LONGGuoqian /隆国强先生: China ‘dual circulation’ economy /中国‘双循环’经济


Mr. Barry SCHNEIDER/巴里-施耐德先生: Deliverable ‘stabilizers’ that could be realized in the short termThe Parkside proposal/ 在短期可能实现的‘稳定剂’ Parkside 提议)


Dr. Frank SENSENBRENNER/弗兰克-森森布伦纳 博士:The US perspectives of digital financial platforms and regulation/美国关于数字金融平台和监管的看法


Mr. YU Yongding/余永定先生China’s macroeconomic situation and policies/ 中国的宏观经济运行情况和政策


Mr. HUANG Yiping/黄益平先生 :  Financial opening and financial innovation in China/金融开放和金融创新在中国


Discussion/讨论:(15 minutes/15分钟)

Participated by all participants who may indicate to FAN Gang and Phil that he or she may like to speak during the presentations/所有参会人员可以向樊纲和菲尔先生提示要求发言


(The dialogue ends at 9am Washington and 10pm Beijing/对话于华盛顿时间上午9点即北京时间晚上10点结束)





US Participants/美方参会人员:


(1)    Admiral Bob Inman,  Chairman SR21; former President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

鲍比-英曼上将, 美国战略复兴协会董事长,美联储达拉斯分行前主席


(2)    Mr. Gary Cohn, Senior Advisor - Parkside Technologies, Inc; former Director of National Economic Council; former President of Goldman Sachs;

加里-科恩先生, Parkside科技公司高级顾问,原美国国家经济委员会主席,



(3)    Dr. Frank Sensenbrenner, Quantitative Risk Analyst at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) - the US derivatives regulator

弗兰克-森森布伦纳 博士, 美国商品期货交易委员会数量风险分析家


(4)    Mr. Phil Midland - President SR21

菲尔-米德兰先生 ,美国战略复兴协会主席


(5)    Mr. Barry Schneider - Founder and CEO, Parkside Technologies, Inc.

巴里-施耐德 先生, Parkside科技公司创始人和CEO





Chinese participants/50人论坛参会人员:


(1)   白重恩,院长、教授。清华大学经济管理学院

Mr. BAI Chongen,  Dean and Professor,  School of Economics and Management

Tsinghua University.


(2)   蔡昉,中国社会科学院,副院长、研究员

Mr. CAI Fang, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Vice President and Professor.


(3)   樊纲,北京大学汇丰商学院教授,中国经济体制改革研究会副会长

Mr. FAN Gang, Prof. of economics, Peking University, Vice President, China Economic Reform Association.


(4)    隆国强,国务院发展研究中心副主任、研究员

Mr. LONG Guoqiang, Senior Fellow and Vice President, Development Research Center of the State Council.



Mr. HUANG Yiping,  Chair Professor of Finance and Economics, National School of Development/Director, Institute of Digital Finance Peking University.



Madame JIANG Xiaojuan,  Member of the Standing Committee and Vice Chairperson of the Committee of Social Construction of the National People's Congress, President of Chinese Public Administration Society (CPAS), Dean and a professor of the School of Public Policy and Management of Tsinghua University a researcher and professor of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS).



Mr. YANG Weiming,  Member of the Standing Committee of the 13th CPPCC (Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference) National Committee. Deputy Director of the Economic Committee of the 13th CPPCC National Committee.Former Deputy Director, CPC, Central Committee, Central Leading Group for Finance and Economics, General Office



Mr. YU Yongding , AcademicianChinese Academy of Social Sciences.